
7 yoga poses to do as a couple

yoga poses to do as a couple

These yoga postures to do as a couple help to strengthen the feeling of trust in the relationship.

A flexible yet consistent bond involves daily attention to detail. Yoga exercises to be done as a couple gives very positive results.
The benefits of yoga are as crucial for the individual as for the couple. Union, collaboration, physical and emotional flexibility, and other skills are reinforced.

7 yoga postures to do as a couple that revitalize the bond

yoga postures

Some postures are designed for two, but others are yoga classics suitable for performing in pairs.

Downward Facing Dog

  • Place your hands on the floor a little in front of your shoulders.
  • Press your knees down, so they’re at hip height, then straighten your legs.
  • Your partner should stand with their feet on either side of your hands.
  • It then slides down your back.
  • You need to hold the weight for three breaths.
  • Reverse the roles.

Not only will you create a closer bond with your partner, but you will also stretch your spine.


This exercise improves muscle elasticity and strengthens the spine. This is one of the most straightforward yoga exercises to do as a couple. It also generates a level of trust that benefits the relationship.

  • Sit facing each other, legs apart.
  • You need to keep your back straight and touch each other’s thighs.

Dual shaft

The position starts standing and ends on the floor. It is a question of deepening the feeling of security in the other and the balance in the movements. It is essential to be focused and to keep rhythmic breathing.

  • Stand back to back, grasp your arms, and breathe deeply.
  • After a few seconds, slowly descend smoothly until you reach the floor.
  • Sit down without letting go of your arms.
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This posture is for the more adventurous or experienced. This is to form a geometric figure. This posture requires strength and confidence.

  • Sit down with your back straight and your legs stretched together.
  • Your partner should press their hands to your legs, and you should grab their legs.

This posture involves strength in the arms and abdomen. According to studies, it also helps improve blood circulation.

Sun Salutation

Among the yoga postures to do as a couple, this one is ideal for starting each day with good energy. It only takes a minute, and you can enjoy a good stretch and fresh air together.

  • Face down side by side, feet together and palms together at chest height.
  • Fill the lungs with air, lean back slightly and stretch the arms out, then exhale, leaning forward as much as possible.
  • On the second breath, hold the air, and as you exhale, bring your chest closer to the floor.


Having good digestion is fundamental for everyone. This yoga posture facilitates the process. It is also beneficial for those who suffer from lower back pain.

  • Sit face to face with your back straight.
  • Raise your legs and hold your hands together to maintain balance.

As with all these exercises, you must control your breathing and try to stay connected.


This yoga posture strengthens the sacrum and the sciatic nerve area. It is also perfect for the knees, hips, and lower limbs.

  • Sit back to back with your arms up and hold your hands together.
  • Hold the position for a few seconds.
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Couples yoga builds confidence

7 yoga poses to do as a couple

The yoga postures to be done as a couple are a reasonable basis for achieving harmony and strengthening trust in each other.

Each position benefits different parts of the body. Relieving tension together is one of the greatest virtues of this routine.