Fitness Tips

Fitness Nutrition – Top 5 Best and Worst

fitness nutrition classic

Only those who eat correctly can sustainably improve their physical condition and sports performance. But what is good, and what is not? Here are the top 5 best and worst foods! Only a healthy diet promotes good physical condition and rapid recovery after sport. Discover 5 foods that will support your body in achieving your goals and which are best avoided.

Do you already know our high-quality protein products? During intense workouts, your protein requirement increases. Therefore, you must meet this need through your diet or appropriate sports nutrition.

Whether it’s a protein shake after training or protein muesli in the morning, our products will help you achieve your goals. Let yourself be convinced and discover your future favorite products.

The 5 foods to avoid in fitness nutrition

Sodas and energy drinks

Sodas and energy drinks

Sugary soft drinks contain a lot of sugar. These “empty” calories don’t give your body any nutrients, and the energy boost is only short-lived. The sugar passes quickly through the bloodstream and causes an abnormally rapid rise in blood sugar.

The insulin produced quickly causes your blood sugar level to drop again, making you feel weak and hungry.

In addition, high insulin production inhibits fat burning. Highly sugary drinks should therefore be removed from your perfect fitness nutrition!

Healthy alternatives: Opt for unsweetened beverages such as water or tea instead. These purify your body and have a detoxifying action. For example, you can flavor them with slices of lemon, mint leaves, or ginger.

Rapeseed oil, soybean oil, and corn oil

Rapeseed oil and other oils used in industry were initially intended for use as fuel or lubricant and not for human consumption. After being processed and packaged, they have become suitable for consumption and are remarkably inexpensive to manufacture.

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However, the specific structure of these oils leads to an increased propensity for inflammation in the body, especially after intensive sports sessions. The consequences are, therefore, lower quality recovery times and reduced physical resistance capacity.

Healthy alternatives: favor high-quality oils such as olive and coconut oil. They are more natural and have a better ratio of healthy fatty acids.

Coconut oil has the talent to spare. Hot or cold dishes, it accompanies all your recipes and could even overshadow the olive oil. The lauric acids in coconut oil ensure thermal stability, which means it retains all its nutrients even under high cooking temperatures.

White flour

Type 45 flour does not contain any valuable micronutrients. Its extreme refinement eliminates the vitamins and minerals in the grain’s husk.

Thus, it does not contribute anything to the nutritional value of your balanced diet. The easily digestible carbohydrates of “white” flour also accumulate quickly in the unwanted fat deposits of athletes and, when used before exercise, lead to the onset of cravings more quickly.

The consequences are, therefore, a decrease in performance capacity and a feeling of inertia. The body is thus deprived of its work of digestion, leading to intestinal problems such as constipation.

Healthy alternatives: prefer flours rich in micronutrients. Spelled or rye flour, for example, contains a higher proportion of fiber, which keeps you satisfied for a long time.

Fried foods

French fries and other fried products are often pre-fried in low-quality fats, then fried again before being served. Fat is usually held in the fryer for a very long time at high temperatures (180°C).

Repeated heating of the breading residues contained here leads to decomposition products which change the structure of the fat. In the worst case, this produces acrylamide, a carcinogen.

The higher average fat content of these foods slows digestion and increases the work of the stomach for many hours.

In addition, the breading soaks up large amounts of lousy frying fats, causing the absorption of excessive amounts of energy and, with them, inertia and lethargy. It makes you want… Or not!

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Healthy alternatives: For a nutritious diet, fried foods should be avoided entirely. Opt for grilled fish instead of fish sticks, for example, or replace your fries with a homemade potato gratin.

Cheap meat

The packaged meat is cheap and appeals at first glance with its perfect appearance. However, upon closer examination, one notices that beef from the discount store contains a large amount of added water (to increase its mass). Livestock also absorbs drugs and residues that land in the body when consumed.

Consequently, the internal organs are stressed by the processes of neutralization and elimination of these contaminants. As a result, your form is diminished during intense training sessions.

Healthy alternatives: we buy less meat but of better quality. So you have better sports performance thanks to quality nutrients.

A healthy diet to be in shape: top 5 of the best foods

ideal snack

Nuts: the boost between two meals

Nuts are an ideal snack as part of a healthy diet. In addition to large amounts of vegetable protein, nuts, above all, contain polyunsaturated fatty acids that play an essential role in fat loss.

They reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood and sustainably improve cholesterol levels. Do not hesitate to nibble, for example, almonds, macadamia nuts, or Brazil nuts when you crave.

Especially after exercise, they provide you with valuable energy for recovery. These high-quality vegetable proteins promote muscle recovery, and the unsaturated fatty acids act against inflammatory reactions.

Nuts also contain valuable antioxidants, which protect the cells when eaten immediately after sport. The B vitamin in nuts also promotes fat loss and muscle gain.

Bananas: rich in potassium

Bananas contain a lot of carbohydrates and potassium. These two ingredients are perfect for replenishing your energy, especially after intense training.

Potassium is of primary importance for the electrolyte balance and contributes to an ideal transmission of nerve impulses, muscle contractions, and energy supply. For adults, 2000 mg of potassium per day is recommended.

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In the event of intense sports efforts, the losses caused by muscular work and sweat create an increased need for potassium. That’s why you should eat bananas about once or twice a day.

With bananas, you ensure a sufficient potassium intake as part of a balanced and healthy diet!

Goji berries: the miracle of antioxidants

These small red fruits are among the richest in antioxidants. Goji berries contribute to your good physical condition and health by repairing damaged cells and eliminating free radicals.

With two to three servings per week, goji berries provide long-lasting protection against deposits on the vascular walls and cancers.

Goji berries promote gut health and digestion by activating your microbiota. They are also rich in iron and secondary plant ingredients such as carotenoids, which can soothe inflammatory processes in the body.

Lean white cheese: a versatile supplement

Lean curd cheese contains a lot of protein for a shallow fat content. The proteins in thin white cheese have a biological value 81 times greater than many proteins from meat.

In addition, this protein consists mainly of casein which provides your body with valuable protein in the long term. For optimal muscle building, lean cottage cheese should be included in your fitness nutrition.

Lean cottage cheese provides the nutrients you need to replenish your energy reserves and repair stressed muscle fibers.

Those who don’t like the taste of lean white cheese alone can easily add fruit, vegetables, or varieties of nuts for a sweet or spicy flavor.

It is also possible to apply cottage cheese to relieve dermatological symptoms such as swelling, irritation, or even inflammation or sports strains.

Wholemeal pasta: a fitness nutrition classic

Compared to “normal” pasta rich in white flour, whole wheat pasta has many advantages. Therefore, we recommend you replace white pasta with wholemeal pasta in your diet.

Unlike white pasta, wholemeal pasta is rich in minerals and fiber. Their minerals ensure, among other things, the proper functioning of muscle contractions and various metabolic functions. Their high fiber content satisfies you for a long time and contributes to good intestinal health.

During your training sessions, whole wheat pasta will give you a lot of energy that will spread slowly and remain available for a long time, thanks to the presence of fiber.

Our advice: this goes for all cereals: brown rice, wholemeal flour, wholemeal bread… We want quality complex carbohydrates for our health.