Aerobic Fitness

8 reasons to dance every day

8 reasons to dance every day

The benefits of dance are many. Its exercises are good for your body, your mind and its a way to relieve stress.
Dancing is one of the most enjoyable activities for most human beings. It also happens to be a great way to keep fit and get in shape.

A good dancer can dance practically any kind of dance, from classical ballet and jazz to modern ballroom dancing. This means that the kind of dance you do is not limited to just one style or genre, but it can be anything you want it to be.

One thing that makes dancing enjoyable is that it’s a lot more fun than sitting down in front of a computer screen for hours on end. The same goes for other leisure activities such as reading books or watching TV shows, which are also great ways to unwind after a hard day at work. And since you’re not sitting down, you don’t have to worry about being bored or feeling tired when you watch television or read books. You know what’s coming next and can relax without having to think about it too much!

1. Dancing builds muscle

Each of the dances involves the work of specific groups of muscles which are strengthened over repetitive movements.
It is, therefore, possible to increase physical resistance without suffering fatigue or other undesirable effects with regular practice.
Dances such as ballet, salsa or bachata are excellent for strengthening and toning the legs.
Flamenco is also excellent for strengthening the thighs, buttocks and arms.

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2. Dancing is good for cardiovascular health

Like any aerobic exercise, dancing helps protect heart health and strengthens the entire cardiovascular system.
It also lowers blood pressure, improves circulation, and encourages cholesterol elimination. This, therefore, wards off the chances of suffering from brain damage and heart attacks.
It is suitable to practice dancing between 30 and 40 minutes three or more times a week.

3. Dancing helps you lose weight

The faster the rhythm of the dance, the quicker the energy expenditure and weight loss.
With a program of 40 minutes of rhythmic dancing each day, one can burn between 200 and 400 calories, which makes it possible to be in good health.

4. Dancing is good for brain health

The effects of dancing also reach the brain. They help exercise active memory and the ability to do several things simultaneously.
It has been shown that people who dance regularly are less likely to develop a form of dementia or degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

5. Dancing brings a feeling of well-being

It is a great therapy for relieving depression, stress, anxiety and other negative emotions directly affecting the quality of life.
Dancing stimulates the secretion of serotonin and endorphins, also known as happiness hormones.

6. Dancing improves self-esteem and confidence

More than physical activity, dance is a way of expressing one’s emotions and personality.
It’s a way to connect body and soul to nurture emotions like self-esteem and confidence.
Learning to dance is a way of surpassing oneself, and teaching dance imply transmitting an experience that generates excellent satisfaction.
It is also a way to increase self-esteem and confidence in the social environment in which one evolves.

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7. Dancing increases body flexibility, agility and coordination

Before starting dance classes, it is a good idea to do stretching and warm-up exercises.
The movements made during the dance rhythms help develop and stimulate flexibility, agility and coordination.
This benefits the body in general, especially when there is a risk of developing Parkinson’s disease.

8. Dancing strengthens joints and bones

Regular dancing helps maintain bone density, which decreases in women entering menopause.
On the other hand, the joints are also maintained because dancing helps to lubricate them to prevent the wear of the cartilage and the development of arthritis.
Ready to dance? As you can see, it’s great for your body and a fun way to work out and shape it.
Start practising dance several times weekly and gradually use it to complement your exercise routines.